Dublin Port Parade of Sail & Liffey Cruise

Dublin Port Parade of Sail and Liffey Cruise - Saturday 14th September 2019
Dublin City Council and Dublin Port Company have linked with the Cruising Association of Irelands yearly Liffey Cruise to create the Dublin Port Parade of Sail and Liffey Cruise. This is a unique experience for both sailers and spectators. Three bridges open consecutively - the Samuel Beckett, Sean O’Casey and East Link bridges - over the River Liffey to allow the passage of yachts from Dublin Bay to the Custom House Quay area of the city. Yachts make their way down the River Liffey through the three bridges turning at the Matt Talbot (Custom House) bridge and head back up the river where they dock at the pontoons outside the 3 Arena. This years event takes place on Saturday 14th September 2019 with the first bridge opening at 1.30pm.