North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock SDZ Planning Scheme

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Proposed amendment to the North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock SDZ Planning Scheme in relation to revised bridge location across the River Liffey

Dublin City Council proposes to amend the location of a planned pedestrian/cycle bridge across the Liver Liffey, from Forbes Street to Blood Stoney Road.  As part of this process, An Bord Pleanála advise a public consultation stage is now required in relation to proposed amendments to the scheme and in accordance with section 170(A) of the Planning and Development Act.
This public consultation stage will run from Wed 29th Jan to Wed 26th Feb during which submissions are welcome. A report on the consultation will thereafter be submitted to An Bord Pleanála.

In compliance with the above, a copy of the proposed amendments, along with assessments in relation to AA and SEA may be inspected at the following locations during normal opening hours from Wednesday 29th January 2020 to Wednesday 26th February 2020 inclusive:

Dublin Docklands Office, Dublin City Council, Custom House Quay, Dublin 1.

Dublin City Council, Planning Counter, Ground Floor, Block 4,
Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.

Written submissions or observations with respect to the proposed amendments are invited from members of the public and other interested parties including children or groups or associations representing the interests of children and may be made in writing to the Planning Authority not later than Wednesday 26th February 2020.  Any such submissions or observations will be taken into consideration by An Bord Pleanála before making a decision on the proposed amendments. Submissions and observations should state the name, address, and where relevant details of any organisation represented. Submission may be made and may online at the following link


By post to the following address:-

North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock Proposed Amendment
Dublin Docklands, Dublin City Council,
Custom House Quay, Dublin 1.

The Planning process is an open and public one. In that context all submissions/observations are a matter of public record, and may also be placed on the City Council’s website.
Documents available provide relevant details and include ;
1.    The proposed amendment

2.    Relevant Newspaper Advert

3.    Full report as submitted to An Bord Pleanala and related appendices:
Appendix 2
Appendix 3A
Appendix 3B
Appendix 3C
Appendix 3D
Appendix 4
4.    Assessments in relation to Appropriate Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment

Proposed Amendments to the North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock Strategic Development Zone in relation to Building Heights.

In December 2018 Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government issued Urban Development and Building Heights Guidelines for Planning Authorities under Section 28 of the Planning and Development Act (2000), as amended. The guidelines set out planning criteria for considering increased building heights and include Specific Planning Policy Requirement No.3, Part ‘B’ which requires a review of established SDZ planning schemes in relation to building heights.

A review was completed by Dublin City Council (the Development Agency) in relation to North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock Strategic Development Zone and submitted to An Bord Pleanála for consideration.  An Bord Pleanála advise a public consultation stage is now required in relation to proposed amendments to the scheme and in accordance with section 170(A) of the Planning and Development Act.

In compliance with the above, a copy of the proposed amendments, along with assessments in relation to AA and SEA may be inspected at the following locations during the period/times set out in the table below;
Location    Dates inclusive    Days/Times(excluding Bank Holiday)

Location Dates Inclusive Days/Times(excluding Bank Holiday)
Dublin City Council, Planning
Counter, Civic Offices, Wood Quay,
Dublin 8
Friday 25th Oct -
Friday 22nd Nov
Monday - Friday 9.30am - 4.30pm
Dublin Docklands Office, Dublin
City Council, Custom House Quay,
Dublin 1
Friday 25th Oct -
Friday 22nd Nov
Monday - Friday 9.30am - 4.30pm

Written submissions or observations with respect to the proposed amendments are invited from members of the public and other interested parties including children or groups or associations representing the interests of children and may be made in writing to the Planning Authority not later than Friday 22nd November 2019.  Any such submissions or observations will be taken into consideration by An Bord Pleanála before making a decision on the proposed amendments. Submissions and observations should state the name, address, and where relevant details of any organisation represented.

These submissions may be made
•    Online at link
•    by post to the following address:-
Ms Avril Feeney
Administrative Officer
Building Height Amendments
Planning and Property Development Department
Block 4, Floor 3
Dublin City Council
Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8

The Planning process is an open and public one. In that context, all submissions/observations are a matter of public record, and may also be placed on the City Council's website.

Documents available herein provide relevant details and include ;
a)    Report on the Proposed Amendments
b)    Appropriate Assessment screening of the proposed amendments
c)    Strategic Environmental Assessment screening of the proposed amendments
Newspaper Notice


Proposed Material Amendments to the North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock Strategic Development Zone Planning Scheme 2014

As the designated Development Agency for the SDZ planning scheme , Dublin City Council proposes to amend the above SDZ Planning Scheme in accordance with Section 170A of the Planning and Development Acts 2000 to 2015.

Documents available herein provide relevant details and include ;

a)    Report on the Proposed Amendments (including reasons for seeking the amendments)
b)    Appropriate Assessment screening of the proposed amendments
c)    Strategic Environmental Assessment screening of the proposed amendments

Proposed Material Amendments to the North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock Strategic Development Zone Planning Scheme 2014

As the designated Development Agency for the SDZ planning scheme , Dublin City Council proposes to amend the above SDZ Planning Scheme in accordance with Section 170A of the Planning and Development Acts 2000 to 2015.
The amendment relates to the proposed relocation of two planned pedestrian/cycle bridge locations across the River Liffey.

Documents available herein provide relevant details and include ;

a)    Copy of the Public Notice
b)    Report on the Proposed Amendments (including reasons for seeking the amendments)
c)    Appropriate Assessment screening of the proposed amendments
d)    Strategic Environmental Assessment screening of the proposed amendments

Observations or submissions in relation to the above are welcome and may be made from Tuesday 6th February 2018 to Monday 5th March 2018 inclusive. See documents at (a) or (b) above for details of where the documents can be inspected, and how to make a submission.


North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock SDZ Planning Scheme

Please note that An Bord Pleanála has approved the North Lotts & Grand Canal Dock SDZ Planning Scheme. The SDZ Planning Scheme, by virtue of Section 169 of the Planning and Development Acts 2000-2013, now forms part of the City Development Plan, and any contrary provisions in the Development Plan are superseded.  The consolidated Planning Scheme document, incorporating the modifications approved by the City Council on 5th November 2013, together with the further modifications approved by An Bord Pleanala on 16th May 2014, is now published and available below


Click here to view Desktop Study and Qualitative Risk Assessment of Potentially Contaminated undeveloped Sites within North Lotts & Grand Canal Dock

Copies of the SDZ are available for inspection at the Civic Offices Planning Counter, Wood Quay, Dublin 8 between 09.30 – 16.30 Monday to Friday 
The SDZ Planning Scheme area is shown on the attached map. Section 34 of the Planning and Development Acts shall apply to a planning application made to the Planning Authority within the SDZ, subject to the following;
  • The Planning Authority shall grant permission where it is satisfied that the proposed development is consistent with the approved SDZ Planning Scheme, and no permission shall be granted for any development which would not be consistent with the SDZ Planning Scheme.
  • While any party may make a submission/observation in respect of any planning application within a period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the Planning Authority of the application on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00, no appeal may be made to An Bord Pleanála against the decision of the Planning Authority in relation to development in the SDZ.
Newspaper and Site Notices must, by virtue of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 as amended, indicate that the application relates to development in the SDZ.  The following wording is suggested: 
“This application relates to a proposed development within the North Lotts & Grand Canal Dock SDZ Planning Scheme area.”
Docklands Base Map
On the 18th December 2012, Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, announced that parts of the Dublin Docklands area at North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock have been designated as a Strategic Development Zone (SDZ).
Dublin City Council, at its meeting on 5th  November 2013, decided by resolution to make the North Lotts & Grand Canal Dock Planning Scheme.
A copy of the Planning Scheme is available for inspection at The Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.  The documents may also be viewed here; 
Docklands Conference: A Community for All
The Docklands Conference, “A Community For All”, hosted by Dublin City Council and the former Dublin Docklands Development Authority (DDDA) was held in May 2013.
Opened by the Lord Mayor of Dublin, Naoise Ó Muirí, the conference, a core component of the SDZ consultation process, entailed a series of inputs by expert informants – nominated in consultation with the Docklands Community Liaison Committee - and workshops chaired by local community representatives. These workshops analysed the enormous potential of the Docklands with particular reference to the newly designated Strategic Development Zone.
Over the course of the two days, animated conversations were interspersed with robust exchanges and strongly held opinions in a series of breakout sessions, where delegates debated themes ranging from the economy, education and young people, to housing, arts, culture and recreation, the maritime environment, and health and sustainable living. A summary of the proceedings and the workshop findings is set out in the report.
Figure 2

Click here to see PDF of figure 2

Figure 7

Click here to see PDF of figure 7

Click here to see PDF of Arial Photo

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