Public Realm Masterplan

Public Realm Masterplan for the North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock SDZ Planning Scheme 2014
The publication of the Public Realm Masterplan is designed to accompany and support the North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock SDZ Planning Scheme 2014 in achieving its ambition to create “a model of sustainable inner city regeneration incorporating socially inclusive urban neighbourhoods, a diverse, green innovation economy contributing to the prosperity of the locality, the city and country, all supported by exemplary social and physical infrastructure and a quality public realm integrated with the wider city.”
The Public Realm Masterplan covers a 60 hectare area within the SDZ and guides the design and layout of streets and parks, together with guidance on palettes of materials and street furniture. It includes strategies to animate the Liffey, Docks and Campshires, and encourages a wide mix of recreational activities and events to attract residents, workers and visitors to the area. It will inter alia provide guidance to design the urban environment for an exemplary world-class maritime quarter with a distinctive Dublin character.
The Masterplan is supported by a number of reference documents which may be viewed here:
The Masterplan is a non statutory document and provides overall strategic guidance for the proposed layout and design of streets and spaces within the SDZ area.
An Implementation Guide has been developed which provides more detailed guidance on public realm works to be provided on a street by street basis for each of the urban blocks within the SDZ area. The Implementation Guide will agree a basic set of design principles for each of the streets, to include guidance on palettes of materials, services, tree planting, street furniture etc. The delivery of the public realm works will be undertaken by a number of different parties, to include Dublin City Council, commercial developers, and agencies such as the NTA, Irish Water etc. These works could be undertaken at different timescales and in different phases, however this Implementation Guide will ensure that a consistent and unified public realm is achieved throughout the SDZ area, as they are built out in tandem with the development of each urban block to be later taken in charge by Dublin City Council.
A copy of the Implementation Guide is available to download here.
An Implementation Guide has been developed which provides more detailed guidance on public realm works to be provided on a street by street basis for each of the urban blocks within the SDZ area. The Implementation Guide will agree a basic set of design principles for each of the streets, to include guidance on palettes of materials, services, tree planting, street furniture etc. The delivery of the public realm works will be undertaken by a number of different parties, to include Dublin City Council, commercial developers, and agencies such as the NTA, Irish Water etc. These works could be undertaken at different timescales and in different phases, however this Implementation Guide will ensure that a consistent and unified public realm is achieved throughout the SDZ area, as they are built out in tandem with the development of each urban block to be later taken in charge by Dublin City Council.
A copy of the Implementation Guide is available to download here.